
  • Bundle prices for:
      1. Family book including:  introduction, origin and meaning of family names, pedigree charts, relationships, subfamilies, historical context, Backstories, some of your family photographs (if you want), indexes of the names and locations
        • size A 4, in color and black and white
        • about 100 relatives, ca. 80 text pages: 998,- €
        • about 200 relatives, ca. 120 pages: 1.890,- €
        • about 300 relatives, ca. 150 pages: 2.993,- €
      2. Pedigree chart (“family  tree”) with 5 generations: 420 ,- €

    including: subject, parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, great-great-grandparents (= 63 persons)

        • For all other products and services:

    The price will depend on the amount of work involved. After an initial contact (by phone or e-mail) to specify your aims and expectations, I will make you a specific offer

        • Rates for:
          • Specialist counseling (incl. preparation): 75,- €/h
          • Research: 55,- €/h
        • Travel Costs:
          • Public transportation: ticket costs
          • Car (if public transportation is not possible): 0,30 €/driven km
          • Journey time is charged at 10,- € per hour or part thereof
        • Fees and material costs:
          • Fees (for example for archives) and material costs (for example for copies) will be charged at actual costs